Enterprise Suitability Maps (Based on Climate Futures For Tasmania)
Creation Date: |
23-07-2015 | ||||
Publication Date: |
31-08-2015 | ||||
Revision Date: |
01-09-2021 | ||||
Abstract |
Classified land depicting the suitability for growing various agricultural enterprises including Barley, Blueberries, Carrot seed, Carrots, Cherries, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus nitens, Hazelnuts, Industrial Hemp, Linseed, Olives, Onions, Pinus radiata, Poppies, Potatoes, Pyrethrum, Raspberries, Sparkling wine grapes, Strawberries, Table wine grapes and Wheat. This complements a range of additional pasture crop species including Lucerne, Rye Grass, Cocksfoot Continental, Cocksfoot Mediterranean, Tall Fescue Continental, Tall Fescue Mediterranean, Red Clover, Strawberry Clover, White Clover and Phalaris. All map outputs assume water availability is not a constraint. Suitability is determined from mapped soil and climate parameters guided by established crop rules that allocate the land as either Well suited, Suitable, Moderately suitable or Unsuitable with subclasses incorporated to identify situations where management of limitations can improve crop suitability. Climate Futures Tasmania (CFT) projections were incorporated into the enterprise suitability modelling framework to identify land areas prone to projected climate change impacts according to the RCP 8.5 scenario for years 2030 and 2050. |
Category |
farming | ||||
Keywords |
AGRICULTURE-Crops ; SOIL-Any ; CLIMATE-AND-WEATHER-Climate-change | ||||
Dataset Information |
Data Type |
grid | ||||
Lineage Statement |
This project set out to incorporate and downscale six regional climate models (RCMs) produced from the Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT) project to a resolution fit for local scale crop suitability mapping (spatial resolution of 30m) in Tasmania, Australia. This aim was to complement the current series of enterprise crop suitability maps based on recent climate (refer here: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/data/geo-meta-data-record?detailRecordUID=c42945e3-d047-4b8d-bc5c-4eebad1934fc and here: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/data/geo-meta-data-record?detailRecordUID=ba62f124-5906-4471-a01c-9b57b6142055). The RCMs were modeled in accordance to the Representative Concentration Pathways scenario 8.5, i.e. for a future climate with little curbing of CO2 emissions (RCP 8.5.) Refer to the following link for a more formal definition of the Representative Concentration Pathways scenarios: https://climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/overview/understanding-projections/ The downscaling procedure used regression trees and covariate data to disaggregate each RCM to over 500 baseline sites which were then bias adjusted to historic temperature and rainfall data (based on DPIPWE and Bureau of Meteorology weather station and temperature logger recordings for the baseline period: 1998-2017). The bias-adjustment method incorporated a non-parametric quantile mapping technique with empirical quantiles transformation (Gudmundsson 2016). Based on this analysis, climatic variables such as frost risk, heat risk, growing degree days (GDD), growing season temperature (GST), rainfall and chill hours were then determined for two projection periods: 2011-2030 and 2031-2050. This occurred by firstly calculating the aforementioned climate variables at the baseline sites (based on the bias adjusted data) in accordance to their specific rule parameter (these can be accessed via the map user notes - refer to links below) to produce the projected climate estimates. Secondly, spatial interpolating these values to produce a continuous raster surface representing each climate variable. Regression trees algorithm was used to interpolate the temperature based climate variables, whereas regression kriging was used to produce the rainfall estimates. Since each climate variable are based separately from each of the 6 RCMs, each of the resulting surfaces was collectively placed in a six member ensemble stack to derive the mean value. This became the final representative climate layer (of the 6 RCMs) and used as input to the enterprise suitability modelling which, along with digital soil maps (refer here: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/data/geo-meta-data-record?detailRecordUID=98f416e6-f381-48e2-8b16-5c31a8e45ba5&draftCreateEdit=true), were integrated into established crop suitability models (refer below). For more information relating to Digital Climate Maps Based on Climate Futures For Tasmania, refer here: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/data/geo-meta-data-record?detailRecordUID=0b2fe7a1-3f4a-4e2b-b9be-acae722be15a&draftCreateEdit=true The combination of soil and climate data (based on Climate Futures projections) was used to generate the land suitability ratings according to individual rule sets for each crop. These can be accessed from the following URLs:
Barley - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_barley_CFT.pdf
Blueberries (Northern Highbush) - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_blueberriesNHB_CFT.pdf
Blueberries (Southern Highbush) - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_blueberriesSHB_CFT.pdf
Carrots - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_carrots_CFT.pdf
Carrot Seed - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_carrot_seed_CFT.pdf
Cherries - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_cherries_CFT.pdf
Cocksfoot Continental
Cocksfoot Mediterranean
Farm tree species (Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus nitens and Pinus radiata) - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_plantationtreespecies_CFT.pdf
Hazelnuts - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_hazelnuts_CFT.pdf
Industrial Hemp - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_hemp_CFT.pdf
Linseed - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_linseed_CFT.pdf
Lucerne - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_lucerne_CFT.pdf
Olives - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_olives_CFT.pdf
Onions - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_onions_CFT.pdf
Poppies - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_poppies_CFT.pdf
Potatoes - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_potatoes_CFT.pdf
Pyrethrum - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_pyrethrum_CFT.pdf
Raspberries - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_raspberries_CFT.pdf
Red Clover
Rye Grass - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_ryegrass_CFT.pdf
Sparkling Winegrapes - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_sparklingwg_CFT.pdf
Strawberries - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_strawberries_CFT.pdf
Strawberry Clover
Table Winegrapes - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_tablewg_CFT.pdf
Tall Fescue Continental
Tall Fescue Mediterranean
Wheat - https://nrmdatalibrary.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/FactSheets/WfW/ListMapUserNotes/Map_user_notes_wheat_CFT.pdf
White Clover
References: Gudmundsson, L. (2016) R package 'qmap': Statistical Transformations for Post-Processing Climate Model Output. R package version 1.0-4. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/qmap/qmap.pdf Further reading: Climate future for Tasmania website http://acecrc.org.au/climate-futures-for-tasmania/ |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy: 30m resolution. Attribute Accuracy: Each Raster cell is attributed by multiple soil and climate models to arrive at a suitability rating. The accuracy is therefore limited by the precision of the input models (refer here for information regarding the input soil maps: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/data/geo-meta-data-record?detailRecordUID=98f416e6-f381-48e2-8b16-5c31a8e45ba5&draftCreateEdit=true and here regarding the input climate maps: https://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/app/content/data/geo-meta-data-record?detailRecordUID=0b2fe7a1-3f4a-4e2b-b9be-acae722be15a&draftCreateEdit=true). The result of the validation diagnostics can be made available for each surface on request. The input soil models validated to at least a reasonable level with the standard error within acceptable ranges. Preliminary field validation was carried out to ensure integrity had been maintained and from this, attribute accuracy of the suitability categories was estimated to be no worse than 70%. Attribute accuracy is expected to be optimal in the Meander irrigation scheme area of 45,000 ha, Flinders Island area of 10,000 ha and 27,000 ha in the Midlands where a greater soil and temperature logger reconnaissance effort was conducted during the pilot phase of the Wealth from Water project in 2011-2012 and in the extension phase in 2012-2014. (refer to: http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/agriculture/investing-in-irrigation/enterprise-suitability-toolkit). During the Water for Profit project in 2015-2017 an additional 400 soil sites were sampled and a further 100 temperature logger sites deployed to the Midlands area representing over 400,000 ha of improved mapping detail for the area. Logical Consistency: All raster cell data are labelled via accompanying look up tables. There are no duplicates. Completeness: The spatial layers cover the entire state of Tasmania, excluding Macquarie Island. Additional: Component layers of Digital Soil Mapping components, modelled climate layers and crop rules are available upon request. |
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Data Access |
Data Format |
TIFF | ||||
Data Format Version |
1.1 | ||||
Licence |
Other Licence | ||||
Licence Terms |
Unrestricted access data. Data to be used in accordance with the conditions of use document supplied with the data. Component datasets will also be made available upon request. |
Metadata Identifier |
e8c81063-2b51-4684-b407-d56d64788a93 | ||||
Hierarchy Level |
dataset | ||||
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