LIST Transport Segments
Creation Date: |
15-07-2011 | ||||
Publication Date: |
15-07-2011 | ||||
Revision Date: |
04-07-2018 | ||||
Abstract |
LIST Transport Segment data comprises transport routes (from those with highway status through to rough bush tracks), vehicular and passenger ferry routes, walking tracks, and railways. Transport Segments are those portions of the above routes and tracks which fall between two Transport Nodes. The data will also include those segments which make up larger roundabouts (ie. with centre island diameter > 10 metres), forks (ramps) with a length exceeding 20 metres, and road connectors which are pseudo features that create artificial (naming) continuity through roundabouts. Driveways both public and private but with a length of less than 50 metres have not been captured in urban areas, except where the properties are internal, or have no road frontage. In rural areas, those considered to be the principal driveways or ones with significance were captured. Metadata for each line is linked to the Transport Segment layer through the Feature Metadata Pointer (FMP) attribute. |
Category |
transportation | ||||
Keywords |
Dataset Information |
Dataset Created |
01-01-1980 | ||||
Data Type |
vector | ||||
Data Coverage |
Tasmania | ||||
Coordinates |
North: -39.2
West: 143.5
East: 149.0
South: -44.0
Lineage Statement |
The majority of information for this data set was initially captured from aerial photography by photogrammetric processes for the 1: 5,000 and 1 : 25,000 map series. The resultant linework on machine plots, was subsequently scanned, and converted to digital vector format.
Much of this data has since been updated by GPS field capture of road centrelines.
Data has also been sourced from other agencies including Forestry Tasmania and Dept of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (DIER)who have provided custodial road information and the Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) have provided walking track information.
Data is continually being revised and upgraded from direct 2D digitizing from later ortho-rectified aerial imagery. |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy:
Can be obtained from the Feature Metadata Pointer (FMP) for the transport segment that the LIST Transport layer is comprised of.
Transport segments generally have been compiled from Photogrammetric 1:25000 and 1:5000 digital data, scanned and on screen hand digitising from 1:25000 and on screen hand digitising from 1:5000 digital data. The horizontal accuracies for the above sources of data are ±17.5, ±2.5, ±17.5 and ±3.5 metres respectively from its true position. Non custodial data that has been verified and/or captured using GPS has a horizontal accuracy of ±5 metres from its true position. Data custodian data that has been integrated into the LIST Transport layer can vary widely from ± 0.5 metres to ± 100 metres depending upon the source of the data and the technology used to capture the information.
Road connectors are abstract features and have no absolute positional accuracy and ferry routes are accurate only at start and finish points. The accuracies listed above for GPS derived data might not be achieved in areas of dense vegetation, rugged terrain or where satellite coverage is poor.
Attribute Accuracy:
The accuracy of the attribute information is estimated at 90%.
The attributes associated with LIST Transport Segment were initially derived from the printed map sheets this data was derived from. Subsequent field verification over most of the state has been used to update such details as surface type, ownership, traffic direction and class.
Other Information:
Vehicular tracks (Tran_Class 6) are attributed `private' unless they are on Crown Land and unobstructed by a gate or other barrier, in which case they are assumed to be `public'. The main route through foresty operation areas (Authority 3) is generally `public' and the remaining network is `authorised'. The main access road through private land to forestry operations on crown land, will be attributed `authorised'. Where road casements exist, they often help to define the ownership status of a road, particularly in urban areas, but they are not definitive. Hierarchically, the status progression is `public' to `authorised' to `private', so a public or authorised road cannot exist at the end of a private road segment. However, official walking tracks are considered to be public, even though they can sometimes only be accessed from private roads or tracks. Those that PWS consider to be unofficial have been attributed as authorised, and may in fact be closed.
Gates usually indicate the limit of public usage of an access road, forestry road or vehicular track, but road names can sometimes extend onto private property.
Logical Consistency:
All lines are labelled with a Unique Feature Identifier (UFI). This UFI is linked to a Feature Metadata Pointer (FMP) which contains the aerial photography date, horizontal accuracy and the metadata directory number. All data has been checked both visually and by automated processes for undershoots, overshoots and correct data attribution.
The LIST Transport Segment dataset is complete for Tasmania, excepting Macquarie Island. |
Map |
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Data Access |
View Dataset |,-42.85,10000&srs=EPSG:4283&bmlayer=3&layers=129 | ||||
Product Information Sheet | | ||||
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Access LIST Vector Data | | ||||
Data Format |
ESRI_shp | ||||
Data Format Version |
Data Format |
TAB | ||||
Data Format Version |
Licence |
![]() |
Licence Terms |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence |
Metadata Identifier |
1ab7e34f-811c-4521-a549-212f295acc97 | ||||
Hierarchy Level |
dataset | ||||
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