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Digital Climate Maps of Tasmania
A collection of high-resolution climate grid surfaces for land areas in Tasmania. There are 76 climate products available that delineate temperature and rainfall parameters specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the enterprise suitability mapping program (refer here: ...
Digital Climate Maps of Tasmania (Based on Climate Futures For Tasmania)
A collection of high-resolution climate grid surfaces for land areas in Tasmania based on Climate Futures For Tasmania projection modelling. There are 152 climate products available that delineate temperature and rainfall parameters specific to crop growing requirements that form part of the enterprise suitability mapping program (refer here: ...
Land Systems of Tasmania
Tasmania was separated into seven regions for the purposes of land system mapping for the period 1978-1989. Non-unique land systems were developed based on six descriptor classes (geological period, geological rock type, rainfall, vegetation, elevation, and differences in dominant soils. Within each land system, land components are described which present examples of soil and vegetation ...
Monthly average rainfall
A series of grid surfaces delineating average rainfall (mm) calculated for individual months for land areas across Tasmania at a spatial resolution of 80m. Thirty-six datasets are available for this parameter representing recent climate to: - 2018 (ra_avg_jan, ra_avg_feb, ra_avg_mar, ra_avg_apr, ra_avg_may, ra_avg_jun, ra_avg_jul, ra_avg_aug, ra_avg_sep, ra_avg_oct, ra_avg_nov, ra_avg_dec) ...
Real-time accumulated rainfall map of Tasmania
A statewide grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating recent accumulated rainfall (millimetres since 9am) across Tasmania is produced in near real-time. The outputs are dynamic with maps updated at hourly intervals (there is a production time lag where outputs typically take 30 minutes to be produced from the true observation time). Refer to the following link for details of the latest ...
Soil Dryness Index
A grid surface (80m spatial resolution) delineating a Soil Dryness Index (SDI) across the state of Tasmania is produced daily. Soil Dryness is estimated based on the calculation prescribed in Mount (1972) with input data provided from high resolution daily maximum temperature and accumulated rainfall grids. Refer to the following link for details of the latest map ...
Tasmanian Weather Station Long Term Averages
This data set contains the weather station names and numbers and associated climate data for stations in Tasmania with records longer than 15 years. The field names are as follows: STN_NUM Bureau unique identifierPR_NAME NameLAT Latitude; decimal degrees (south -ve)LON Longitude; decimal degreesSTN_HT Station heigth AMSL; metresFirstRainYear First year with rainfall dataLastRainYear Last year ...
Vulnerable Soils: Hillslope Water Erosion Hazard
Hillslope water erosion hazard was digitally mapped as part of the DPIPWE Water for Profit Program to enhance identification of Enterprise Suitability by effectively incorporating a sustainability measure of vulnerable soils. The mapping shows areas where a water erosion hazard might exist if sufficient groundcover is not maintained, which could lead to soil resource degradation through soil, ...