Abstract |
Geological lines (contacts, faults) and geological rock units, derived from 1:250,000 geology data. Rock units have been simplified based on a parent 1:500,000 unit, geological boundaries have been generalised to be suitable for 1:500,000 scale data. The digital data is available as a seamless state wide coverage and is used to produce the Geology of Tasmania 1:500,000 Scale map. |
Lineage Statement |
The data are derived from the 1:250,000 Geology data. Rock units have been simplified based on a parent 1:500,000 unit, geological boundaries have been generalised to be suitable for 1:500,000 scale data. |
Lineage Description |
Position Accuracy:
Based on 1:250,000 Geology Data accuracy. Generalisation of rock units fit to 1:500,000 digital topography (coastline) base gives a final accuracy of up to +-500m.
Attribute Accuracy:
Data is accurate at time of data compilation/generalisation to the best knowledge of the people compiling the map, given the state of geological knowledge.
Logical Consistency:
All polygons, lines and point data labelled. All vertices are snapped and all polygons close. All data is topologically related. There are no duplicates.
Statewide coverage, including King and Flinders Islands. Many attribute fields are unfilled. |